Take the stigmafree Pledge
A stigma is a mark of disgrace associated with a particular quality or person. Even in today’s more-progressive society, people often foster stigmas toward those who have a mental illness. These stigmas lead to discrimination, misunderstanding and fear. And these stigmas stifle progress toward leading better lives.
Mental health matters to everyone. Individuals, companies, organizations and others can all take the stigmafree pledge to learn more about mental illness, to see a person for who they are and take action on mental health issues. Learn more here.
Take Action on Public Policy Issues
One of the major ways we can help make lives better for Butler Countyns with mental illness is through legislation. There are many issues surrounding mental illness:
- Funding and research
- Access to treatment and help
- Equality
- And more
Share Your Story
It’s important for people living with mental health conditions to know that they are not alone. Sharing a story about your personal experiences with mental health challenges can help in your own recovery as well as provide encouragement and support to others with similar experiences. Telling your story can take several forms:
- Prose/poetry
- Song lyrics
- Inspirational quotes
- Drawings
- Photos
- Videos
NAMI offers two safe, moderated spaces for sharing stories and creative expression: You Are Not Alone and OK2Talk. These spaces also allow for anonymous public posting, unlike the NAMI blog.
You have an authentic voice. You can make a difference for yourself and others by sharing your experiences and perspective. What has helped? What hasn’t? What has been most discouraging about your condition? What has given you hope? There are all sorts of things you know that other people want to know—you are not alone.
Let them know that they aren’t either.
We're Here to Listen
In Crisis?
Butler County Mental Health Crisis Services can be accessed by calling
1-800-292-3866 or by texting #63288.
Crisis services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (the Lifeline)
24/7 Crisis workers available to support you